Sing Me High Music Festival

There are three primary rules:

1.     Listen!

a.     Festival staff and volunteers are charged with making sure the festival runs smoothly. If one of them asks you for help or requests that you do something different than what you are doing, please listen to their directions.

b.     In the event of an emergency, please listen to and follow the directions given from stage.

2.     Be safe!

a.     Festival-goers are expected to exercise common sense and avoid unnecessary risks.

b.     Stay hydrated! Take breaks from the sun! Bring a shade screen or umbrella. Wear a hat, and reapply sunscreen often.

c.     In the event that you find yourself feeling light-headed, sit down and ask a staff member or volunteer for assistance.

3.     Have fun!

a.     Sing Me High Music Festival welcomes all people. Festival-goers will make sure that all attendees have fun by treating others with respect. If a situation arises with another guest, please find a staff person or volunteer for assistance.

b.     Please have as much fun as humanly possible, but be sure to do so without impinging upon the abilities of other guest to also have fun and enjoy the day.


Secondary rules, guidelines, and advice follows for the safety and enjoyment of all guests:

4.     Firearms, weapons, knives, swords, fireworks, and other explosive materials are strictly prohibited.

5.     Alcoholic beverages and illicit substances are not permitted. Possession of either will result in dismissal from the festival grounds.

6.     Pets are not permitted. Even if they are riding in your purse. Anyone with a trained dolphin is welcome to bring said aquatic mammal, but it must be toilet trained and remember to wash its flippers before eating; the event is BYOBOWFYD (Bring Your Own Body Of Water For Your Dolphin).

7.     Service animals are welcome.

8.     Guests are encouraged to bring their own camp chairs, blankets, hammocks, etc. for a comfortable viewing experience.

9.     Trash goes in the trash receptacles. We provide recycling containers and compost bins and encourage our vendors to use compostable/recyclable products and materials.

10.  If you find a child who has strayed, direct the child to Merch. Parents, if you become separated from your child, alert a staff member and then head to Merch.

11.  As a guest of the Sing Me High Music Festival, please treat the Brethren and Mennonite Heritage Center campus, buildings, and grounds with respect. These historic buildings cannot stand up to ill-use or abuse; please conduct yourself in such a way that these grounds can be home to this music festival for years and years to come.